Cholecystectomy Audit 2

Three options (“N/A,” “Yes,” and “No”) were acceptable responses, this criterion is clearly quantitative. below the eleventh listing criteria of cholecystectomy audit.

1. Do the signs, symptoms and investigations pre-cholecystectomy justify the surgery?

2. Was the pathology report positive?

3. a) Was there surgical exploration of the common bile duct?

b) If so, is there evidence of disease of the common bile duct?

4. Is the admission free of unplanned additional surgery?

5. Has the patient been given antibiotic prophylaxis in accordance to the given protocol?

6. Is the admission free of intraoperative or postoperative blood transfusion?

7. Was the result of the procedure non-fatal?

8. Is the total length of stay <= 5 days?

9. Is the number of days preoperative <= 1 day?

10. Is the record free of readmission for any related condition?

11. Is the cholecystectomy procedure free of surgical wound infection?

Possible responses: Y (Yes)

N (No)
N/A (Not applicable)

Table EXAMPLE Expected and actual percentages and rates of each criterion

Criteria Expected % Actual % Rate

1. Do the signs, symptoms, investigations pre- 100% 99% 99/100

cholecystectomy justify the surgery?

2. Was the pathology report positive? 100% 85% 85/100

3a. Was there surgical exploration of the common bile 100% 84% 84/100


3b. If so, is there evidence of disease of the common 100% 85.71% 72/84

bile duct?

4. Is the admission free of unplanned additional 100% 98% 98/100


5. Has the patient been given antibiotic prophylaxis in 100% 93.24% 69/74

accordance to the given protocol?

6. Is the admission free of intraoperative or 100% 98% 98/100

postoperative blood transfusion?

7. Was the result of the procedure non-fatal? 100% 98% 98/100

8. Is the total length of stay ? 5 days? 100% 83% 83/100

9. Is the number of days preoperative ? 1 day? 100% 87% 87/100

10. Is the record free of readmission for any related 100% 99% 99/100


11. Is the cholecystectomy procedure free of surgical 100% 95% 95/100

wound infection?

Table example Demographic and admission statistics

Mean Median Mode Range

Age at operation 70.06 72 71 and 72 34-95 (61)

Length of stay (Days) 4.63 4 4 1-15 (14)

Number of days admitted 1.17 1 1 0-7 (7)

before operation

Number of days admitted 3.46 3 3 0-14 (14)

after operation

Table Example Mean age at operation and number of males and females for type of cholecystitis

Type of Mean age at operation Number of males Number of females


Acute 72.62 16 10

Chronic 69.16 41 33

Total 70.06 57 43

Example : actual percentages for each criterion criterion.

and this Figure shows the rates for each criterion

Figure 16 Criteria 2: Actual percentages of whether pathology reports were positive or not

example pie chart length of stay LOS

Figure Criteria 3a: Actual percentages of whether there was surgical exploration of common bile duct

Figure Criteria 3b: Actual percentages of whether there was evidence of disease of CBD if surgical exploration was carried out

Table 1: Pivot table of results for Criteria 8

of C8 C8
No Yes Total
Total 20 80 100

Table 2: Pivot table of results for Criteria 9 (pre-op LOS)

of C9 C9
No Yes Total


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