Compare and contrast the theories of Freud and Jung with reference to at least two key concepts or ideas.

Comparative Essay
The essay requires you to:
1) illustrate several (ie at least two) of Freud and Jungs key concepts and ideas in a coherent manner, and
2) compare and contrast them so that the similarities and differences between them are clear to the reader. Obviously, due to the word limit, you may have to be selective on which concepts and ideas you wish to discuss.

Introductory paragraph  set the scene for the essay, here you can outline the plan for your essay, and how you are going to argue your points

Introduce some general facts on Freud and Jung you dont want to spend long on both their biographies but you may want to set their theories/concepts in the historical context in which they were developed. e.g. What was the nature of their relationship?

In the next few paragraphs, you can start to compare and contrast some of their key concepts and ideas (e.g., unconscious, ideas about religion, treatment methods, libido etc). Some key differences are highlighted within the Jung lecture, but you dont have to limit yourself to these. Try to be as clear as you can; you can be selective in what you wish to discuss in your essay. This will be the main body of your essay.

In your comparisons, you may also include, for example, whether or not their concepts and ideas have a place in contemporary psychology, and what the obvious applications are. To get you thinking more about this, you may want to ask yourself the following questions as a starting point: How do their thinking stand up to empirical testing? Has technological progress in psychology refuted or supported their thinking? You may also want to discuss the general criticisms that accompany their concepts and ideas.

In your concluding paragraph, you need to wrap up your arguments, discussing what you conclude from your comparisons; you may also want to explain why we are still interested in Freud and Jung do you think we will we still be interested in either of them in the future, and if so, why?

Suggested reading
1. Maltby, J., Day L., & Macaskill, A. (2013) Chapter 2.The basis of the psychoanalytic approach to personality. In Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence 3rd edition (pp. 20-42). Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall  this chapter is available from the ebook copy of the book from the library (go to the ps1030 Moodle page) or the same chapter in the first or second edition of the Maltby book is fine too

2. Maltby, J., Day L., & Macaskill, A. (2013) Chapter 3. Developments of Freudian Thinking. In Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence 3rd edition. Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall This chapter should be available from the ebook copy of the book from the library. This chapter highlights some differences between Freud and Jungs key concepts/ideas (treatment methods, libido etc) or the same chapter in the first or second edition of the Maltby book is fine too.

Optional additional references (Freud)
3. Solms, M. (2006) Freud returns. Scientific American Mind, April/May, 29-34. – This article is
available on ps1030 Moodle page
4. Fonagy, P. (2000) The outcome of psychoanalysis: The hope of a future. The Psychologist, 13, 620-623. This article is available on ps1030 Moodle page
5. The Psychologist, September 2006 (vol 19- part 9), has a special issue on Freuds influence (This journal is available online, free of charge:

Optional additional references (Jung)
6. Cann D. & Donderi D. (1986) Jungian personality typology and the recall of everyday and archetypel dreams. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 1021-1030. This article is available on ps1030 Moodle page
7. Carlson J. (1980) Studies of Jungian Typology: II. Representations of the personal world. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 38, 801-810. This article is available on ps1030 Moodle page
8. Lorr, M. (1991) An empirical evaluation of the MBTI typology. Personality and Individual Differences. 12, 1141-1145.

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