Hospitality Management

Purpose of the assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for you to investigate the professional scope and practice of contemporary facilities management. You will choose one case study to focus on throughout the whole assignment. It is best if you can carry out both primary and secondary research for this assignment.


You are a facilities inspector and you have recently been asked to undertake a review of the facilities management in a particular (named) hospitality organisation. You are asked to review the floor plan, maintenance schedule, health and safety precautions and compliance with legislation in this organisation, and to carry out research to understand effectiveness of the policies in place.

Evidence Required

Task 1 – Individual report and annotated floor plan for the case study hospitality organisation

Task 2 – individual submission of group oral presentation with Power Point slides and self-evaluation

Task 1: The operational and legal responsibilities of a facilities manager

(LO 1, LO 2: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3)

Choose a case study hospitality organisation and submit a report of 2,000-2,500 words.

The findings from task 1 should be submitted in a written report with an introduction at the beginning and a conclusion at the end. The suggested word length for this report is 2,000 – 2,500 words, excluding the floor plan. Include a bibliography and citations in the Harvard referencing format. Make sure you write your name on your report and number all the pages.

Access or draw the floor plan for your chosen building and append this to your report. Indicate on the floor plan all important points of interest for health and safety compliance, including emergency entrances and exits, location of fire extinguishers, electrical fuses, first aid equipment, carbon detectors, etc. Identify key hazards or controlled areas, e.g. the storage of any hazardous chemicals.

The task 1 report should be structured as follows:

a. Introduction to your case study including explanation of the floor plan to the building.

b. Discussion of the facilities manager’s responsibilities for operational aspects of building (LO 1.2)

c. Assessment of the responsibilities of the facilities manager for staff engaged in facilities operations (LO 1.1). A merit level assessment will show evidence of primary research about the business (M2). A distinction level assessment demonstrates deep analytical thinking, identifying the reasons for the current staff facilities plan (D1).

d. Assessment of the responsibilities the facilities manager has towards customers, e.g. identifying and assessing needs; providing customer care; accessibility; safety and security; legal obligations; maintaining communication systems & databases (LO 1.3). A merit level assessment explains which you think are most important (M1). A distinction level assessment is well justified (D1).

e. Discussion of the responsibilities the facilities manager has towards the employers, owners, or other organisations that fund the operation of the facilities (LO 1.4).

f. Assessment of UK statutory regulations that affect facilities operations in your case study venue: e.g. fire regulations; employment law; building and accessibility regulations; licences (LO 2.1). A merit level assessment is analytical and based on good research (M1)

g. Discussion of health and safety measures that the facilities manager should ensure are in place in the case study venue to meet legal obligations, e.g. risk assessment procedures; facilities to meet COSHH regulations, etc. (LO 2.2). In a distinction level discussion, strengths and weaknesses of the business’s measures are evaluated with reference to relevant law (D3).

h. Discussion of environmental measures facility managers should take in your case study venue (LO 2.2). A merit level discussion links these with sustainable development principles (M2). A distinction level discussion evaluates how well you think this business meets its environmental obligations compared to other similar businesses (D3).

i. Discussion of the documents that should be kept and regularly updated to comply with statutory regulations and health, safety and environmental measures (LO 2.3).

j. Conclusion, summarising your learning. A distinction level conclusion will evaluate the relative importance of the various responsibilities discussed and justify conclusions reached. (D1)

For M1 discussions about facilities operations are analytical and based on good research.

For M2 discussions are well applied and based on both primary and secondary research.

For M3 the report is well structured, written in impersonal academic language without errors. Citations are clearly present and the bibliography is in the Harvard referencing format.

For D1 conclusions reached are in-depth, justified and come directly from your own reflective critical thinking.

For D2 there is evidence of independent research. The whole task has been completed to a high standard

For D3 there is high level evaluation of various aspects of facilities operations in the case study business.

Task 2: Administrative systems to support facilities operations and evaluation and review of the quality and effectiveness of the facilities management.

(LO 3, LO4: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2 and M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3)

For this task, you will research the administration of facilities operations in your case study venue. Working in pairs, create a 20-25 minute presentation. Both team members must contribute to the preparation of all assessment criteria and delivery of task 2. It is best to carry out research prior to your presentation to collect data which will enable you to analyse the quality and effectiveness of facilities operations of the case study business.

The findings from task 2 should be presented as an oral presentation on the given date. Presentation slides need to be submitted, along with self-evaluation evidence and your bibliography.

Your presentation should contain:

k. A short introduction, which identifies the case study hospitality business or business.

l. Explanation of how you would develop and deploy effective systems for processing information and maintaining communications, e.g. ICT, PMS, MIS systems (LO 3.1). Merit level explanations also make recommendations for improvement (M2).

m. Evidence of your own deployment / use of communication channels / systems, e.g. records, checklists, databases, ICT systems in general. Distinction level evidence also includes evaluation of what you personally have done to improve communication in a work-related context. (D3)

n. Identification of control systems used to aid management of the facilities in the case study hospitality businesses, e.g. budgets, accounts systems, food wastage records, energy monitoring, etc. (LO 3.2). Merit level presentations also explain why good control of facilities operations is important (M1).

o. Discussion of the systems needed by a facilities manager to support effective building management, e.g. planning, scheduling, control systems, record keeping, etc. (LO 3.3). Distinction level discussions conclude with critical evaluation of these systems. (D1).

p. Report of appropriate criteria you established to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of facilities operations, i.e. the quantitative and qualitative criteria and data collection methods you used to evaluate the quality and / or effectiveness of facilities operations in the case study business. (LO 4.1). The choice of criteria actually used is justified in a merit level report (M1).

q. Report of the implementation of evaluation and review procedures to analyse the quality and effectiveness of facilities operations (LO 4.2). A merit level report analyses the data you collected about the quality and effectiveness of the facilities operations in the case study business (M2). A distinction level report well analyses data from at least two different sources, e.g. customers, staff, management, review websites (D1).

r. A conclusion which summarises learning, bringing ideas together. A distinction level conclusion is well justified and makes realistic recommendations for improvements in the facilities management at the case study business. (D1)

s. Self-evaluation of your learning both individually and as a team. Include evidence in your Moodle submission such as notes of team meetings, emails, text messages, etc. A distinction level self-evaluation demonstrates your ability to reflect in depth on the strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement in your learning (D3).

For M1 discussions about facilities operations are analytical and effective judgements are made about the provision and quality of facilities operations.

For M2 discussions are well applied to the case study business and based on primary and secondary research.

For M3 the presentation is well-structured, logically presented and well aided by visual media. Citations are clearly present and the bibliography is in the Harvard referencing format.

For D1 the conclusion is in depth and comes directly from your own reflective critical thinking.

For D2 there is good evidence of independent research. Activities have been planned and managed well.

For D3 your self-assessment in your final presentation shows in-depth evaluation of both what you have learnt and how you have learnt it, both individually and working as a group, with recommendations for future learning.

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